Robotic Media Database

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(hellooo ursa, welcome. you wont see this site update for a while haha. you may notice how crunchy it is. additionally, the ratings system is being revamped, so please take everything with a grain of salt. plus, there are not many things up on here just yet, so please excuse that. nevertheless, do notice the changes log.)

A database intending to seek out all forms of sentient robot depictions in media. With a focus on anime & manga, each piece of media is reviewed and rated for the quality of the media, and the quality of the portrayal of robot. This is coming from the point of veiw of a cyborg, who relates to robots and electronics of all kinds. It is sad to see robots treated terribly in media. Since doesthedogdie does not contain any warnings for the treatment of electronics & robots in media, I think this project will suffice. Of course, I understand why there are no such warnings, but for those who do, we have your back.

Click here for the rating system guidelines we use to rate pieces of media. (there isn't a link here yet please be patient)

...Yes I know the theme looks ridiculous considering the subject matter. I like it. Graphic Design Is My Passion. I'm keeping it for the time being.

This project is likely to be presentable by 2030. It is ongoing and never abandoned, even if it appears to be.

If you wish to submit something to the admin, contact him here:

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About Gaea

Gaea is the head of this database. Enjoyer of rice, photography, and lost media.

Eng, 勉強中です。

My partner, too, is part of this database, and is currently working on... making it look better than it does now. Game dev, danmaku enthusiast, and very warm and good.